Go Teen Writers 100/100 Challenge


Recently, I discovered a wonderful website called Go Teen Writers run by authors Jill Williamson and Stephanie Morrill. The blog is full of writing advice. They also have a book on writing also titled Go Teen Writers.  It is the kind of website I wish I’d had as a teenage writer. I sometimes felt so lost at times with no one giving advice for young writers.

One of the things that Go Teen Writers does is host word count challenges to spur young writers into writing daily. Right now, they are hosting a 100/100 challenge. This is a challenge to write 100 words a day for 100 days. This is the last day to sign up.

I wish I’d had someone like Go Teen Writers to push me along at that age. I didn’t start a daily word goal until my final year in college when a college professor gave us an assignment to write 200 words a day for a week. From there, I worked my way up to the 1000 words a day that I write now.

If I’d done something like the 100/100 challenge years ago, would I have written more back then? Would I perhaps have finished my first manuscript long before this year? I’m not sure.

I encourage all of you to at least try a daily word count for a week or two to see if it is something you can sustain. You might surprise yourself! I certainly did the first time I tried it!

Do you have a daily word count? Why or why not?

5 thoughts on “Go Teen Writers 100/100 Challenge

  1. Sierra I. September 16, 2014 / 2:51 pm

    I am so thankful for GTW! I actually didn’t start writing my WIP until I bought the GTW book. It’s been so helpful.
    Wow! You write 1,ooo words per day? I usually write around 2,ooo to 2,5oo per week, but like I said, I’m a pretty slow writer.
    I don’t do a daily word count, though I’m not sure why. Maybe I’ll try it. 🙂


    • Tricia Mingerink September 16, 2014 / 6:14 pm

      I’m a very fast writer when I get on a roll. But I tend to have to do a lot of editing later on when I go back and add all the scenes that I skipped when writing the first draft!

      I’ve also found it works best if I’m flexible with myself. I tend to do a daily word count, but only 5 days a week. I always take Sunday off and Saturday is my extra day in case something came up in one of the other days. My goal for the week is 5,000 words.


      • Sierra I. September 17, 2014 / 3:05 pm

        I might actually reach 5,000 this week because I’ve had a few good days. So far I’ve written 3,500. 🙂 I’m so excited about that, lol.
        I have a few scenes I want to add as well after I finish the first draft.
        Sounds like you have good system. 🙂


    • Sierra I. September 18, 2014 / 1:38 pm

      Thanks! 🙂


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